Highs and lows

We really hate that we have to write this, but yesterday some of our bags were ripped open and some things were stolen. It’s nothing we can’t manage without for a little while but most are things that we will need to replace fairly soon like Autumn’s cycling shoes. As many of you may know our budget for the trip is fairly tight and having to replace stuff is a fairly large setback. As much as we don’t want to ask, if you’ve enjoyed reading the blog and want to help out a small donation of $5 or $10 would incredibly helpful in replacing the important stuff. You can donate through the PayPal button on the sidebar. 

As always, thanks so much to everyone following along for your support the whole trip. It really means a lot to us to be able to share with everyone and hear back from you in comments.

In other news: Albania has been beautiful and we’ve really enjoyed our few days here. Here’s some pictures from a cool castle we visited in Lezhë



We’re on to Montenegro today and will be on the coast soon! The weather is looking up and we’re really excited for what is to come. 

8 thoughts on “Highs and lows”

  1. So sorry this has happened ! We sent along a bit to help. We have been lucky to never have anything stolen while touring but it has happened to other friends. Take care and enjoy the good weather !! Caroline and Robert

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Something similar happened to Willie Weir while touring Greece, nearly 30 years ago. Bandits attacked him and his fiancee while they were climbing a hill, stole their gear and passports. They were all right and eventually reclaimed them. I hope this is the worst thing that happens to you on your sojourn, and am sure it will be: all up from here.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Absolutely love hearing about your travels. Is the topic of dinner time! Thanks so much for sharing and hope this little bit helps get your shoes!


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